Not So Rigid Weaver

Musings on weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom and beyond

How to find yarn colors for weaving software

Weaving design software lets you preview designs on your computer, but how do you match the color of your yarn to the colors on the screen?

Check out Not So Rigid Designer, the online weaving software for rigid heddle loom weavers!

Can I weave a shaft loom project on my rigid heddle loom?

There’s lots of 4 shaft weaving projects out there, and you may have come across one you want to weave. But can you weave it on your rigid heddle loom?

Why I love small rigid heddle looms, especially for beginners

No loom is the best for every project or situation, and I think that it’s easier to fall in love with a small rigid heddle loom than a bigger one.

So what can’t a rigid heddle loom do?

Rigid heddle looms are great little looms and I love them, but no loom is the right tool for every job, and there are some things that rigid heddle looms really fundamentally can’t do.

What is Saori weaving, and is it something I can do on a rigid heddle loom?

Saori is a philosophy of creative expression through weaving developed by Misao Jo in Japan. It emphasizes developing individual creativity, embracing flaws, and making fabric that a machine can’t.

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