Not So Rigid Weaver

Musings on weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom and beyond

Not So Rigid Designer: Now in Open Beta

Not So Rigid Designer is so far as I know the first software for rigid heddle weavers. Today, it’s entering open beta!

Not So Rigid Designer lets you design pick up patterns for your rigid heddle loom, in a format similar to a floor loom draft but adapted for rigid heddle looms. It’s perfect for anyone experienced with weaving pick up patterns who would like to be able to play with designs on their computer.

I have had a number of newsletter subscribers using it for a bit, and I’m now opening up the beta!

Since launching to newsletter subscribers, I’ve improved the documentation including adding some short videos like the one below, and I’ve been adding some enhancements to the editor, like the ability to change multiple colors at once and add a hole & slot as a pair.

I plan to run an open beta for about a month. The beta is completely free with no credit card required, however, when it switches over to the released version it will be a paid tool.

I’m still working out the details of pricing, but my plan is to have a basic tier at $25/year and a higher tier at a price that is still TBD. My aim for the basic tier is for it to cover most people looking to design patterns for personal use, while the more advanced tier will be aimed at people publishing patterns, wanting to interact with other weaving software, who have more advanced needs, or who just want to show extra love for this tool. Rigid heddle weaving is a very small niche and I hope this pricing will allow me to keep most of the features affordable while covering my costs and making a side income from it.

A red and black design from Not So Rigid Designer with some doubled slots
3 Stick Design with some doubled slots

Not So Rigid Designer runs in your browser and should work on a range of devices, including tablets and phones, though a larger screen is better and some features may work best with a mouse.

I have a number of improvements on my todo list, but feedback helps me prioritize - I'd love to hear from you at

Check out Not So Rigid Designer, the online weaving software for rigid heddle loom weavers!