Not So Rigid Weaver

Musings on weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom and beyond

Tagged “drafts”

How many shafts would you need to weave that pick up pattern?

It turns out it’s not so simple as saying that a number of pick up patterns on a rigid heddle loom equals a number of shafts, as the interactions are different.

How can you tell if you can weave a 3 shaft draft with just 1 pick up stick?

Designs using one pick up stick are a fun way to go beyond plain weave on your rigid heddle loom. One stick, left in place, lets you weave some, but not most, 3 shaft drafts.

How to convert a 3 shaft draft to weave with 1 pick up stick

Some 3 shaft drafts can be woven using 1 rigid heddle and 1 pick up stick. But given that a draft CAN be woven with 1 stick, HOW do you weave it?

Designing a Project using Not So Rigid Designer

I figured it was past time to show an example of creating and weaving a design using Not So Rigid Designer! Here's an example of one of my projects.

Not So Rigid Designer now has Threading Diagrams!

For Not So Rigid Designer, I started off by focusing on the design part, but, another big aspect of more complex rigid heddle projects is the details of how you thread the heddles. Once you get past the basic one thread per hole and slot, there’s usually more than one way to do it!

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