Not So Rigid Weaver

Musings on weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom and beyond

Tagged “planning projects”

About the Ashenhurst Sett Calculator

Ashenhurst's Rule is a method of calculating sett for weaving based on the yards per pound of the yarn. Here's how to use my Ashenhurst Sett Calculator.

When should you sample for your rigid heddle loom projects?

Some sources say you should always sample before starting a weaving project. But is that really necessary for rigid heddle weavers?

Designing a Project using Not So Rigid Designer

I figured it was past time to show an example of creating and weaving a design using Not So Rigid Designer! Here's an example of one of my projects.

Can I weave a shaft loom project on my rigid heddle loom?

There’s lots of 4 shaft weaving projects out there, and you may have come across one you want to weave. But can you weave it on your rigid heddle loom?

Not So Rigid Designer now has Threading Diagrams!

For Not So Rigid Designer, I started off by focusing on the design part, but, another big aspect of more complex rigid heddle projects is the details of how you thread the heddles. Once you get past the basic one thread per hole and slot, there’s usually more than one way to do it!

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